Audacious 3.7 正式发布,此版本包括一些新特性,改进了 Qt 移植。
Playlists can be shuffled by whole albums rather than single tracks.
Internet streams can be recorded while playing via a simple record button (GTK+ only...详情
CoreOS 835.4.0 Beta 发布,此版本更新内容如下:
Bug 修复:
Fix support for running ignition on PXE systems. #955
Roll back to Go 1.4 to fix issues with Docker. #956
locksmith 0.3.4
GitHub Atom 1.2.1 现已发布下载,但并未有相关说明,请关注:,详细改进请看:…master
Atom 是 Github 专门为程序员推...详情
Enlightenment DR 0.19.13 发布,此版本是个 bug 修复版本:
e - ibar - fix clash when 2 icons of the same path get added somehow
e exec tracker - fix tracking to update desktop files on efreet change
ibar - fix shu...详情