Apache Commons Math 3.6 发布,更新如下:
o Added a RotationConvention enumerate to allow specifying the semantics
or axis/angle for rotations. This enumerate has two values:
Apache Turbine 4.0-M2 发布,更新如下:
o Add QuartzSchedulerService
o Add Annotation @TurbineActionEvent to annotate action methods
with arbitrary event names.
o Add Annotation @TurbineLoader...详情
七年以来,PHP一直是第四大最流行的编程语言,驱动全球超过2亿多个网站,全球超过81.7%的公共网站在服务器端采用PHP。PHP在这个星期有了自2004年以来最大的飞跃,因为PHP 7已经发布。PHP 7最大特色是极大地改进了性能,在一些WordPress基准测试当中,性能可以达到PHP 5.6的3倍。
PHP 7.0.2 Final for Windows 32-bit (14.59...详情
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.3.13 发布,更新如下:
[OAK-2509] - Support for faceted search in query engine
[OAK-2510] - Support for faceted search in Solr index
[OAK-2511] - Support for f...详情
SonarQube PL/SQL 2.7.1 发布,主要更新如下:
Nested SQL subqueries should be avoided
Comments should not be located at the end of lines of code
Single line comments should start with “–”
更多内容请看: release notes
SonarQube Java 3.9 发布,更新如下:
[SONARJAVA-793] – Nesting of binary expression raise parse time exponentially
[SONARJAVA-1218] – NPE with type resolution of ParameterizedType