GitHub Atom 1.3.3 发布,此版本更新内容如下:
Fixed an exception that would occur when undoing after closing a split pane.
Fixed a crash that would occur when closing a full-screen window on OSX.
Fixed an infinite...详情
Semantic UI 2.1.8 发布,此版本主要是 bug 修复:
Install – This fixes a regression causing users with NPM 2 from using Semantic UI, caused by removing the deprecated peerDependencies which are necessar...详情
rkt v0.15.0 是个增长版本,包括 UX 改进,bug 修复,API 服务增强和对 Go 1.5 的支持。
新特性和 UX 改进:
Images can now be deleted from the store by both ID and name (#1866). See rkt’s rkt image rm documentation.
The journals of...详情
Bokeh 0.11.0 发布,此版本更新内容如下:
* New Tornado and websocket-based Bokeh Server
* User-Defined Models allowing anyone to extend Bokeh
* GeoJSON data source and map tiles renderer
* WebGL support for renderi...详情