Git for Windows v2.9.0-rc0 发布了。改进记录如下:
The end-user facing Porcelain level commands in the “git diff” and
“git log” by default enables the rename detection; you can still use
Apache Tomcat 8.0.35 发布了,该版本主要是修复之前发布的8.0.33版本中所发现的Bug问题,改进记录如下:
Ensure that annotated web components packed in web fragments will be processed when unpackWARs is enabled. (violetagg)
Make the...详情
Teiid 9.0 CR1 发布了,本次更新是一次比较大的更新,处理了238项问题。该版本主要特性如下:
TEIID-3601 Large row counts internal tables and source queries are no longer limited to max integer rows. However update counts, count aggregate v...详情
GitLab 8.8.1 发布了。
EE: [Elastic] Search through the filenames. (!409)
EE: Fix repository mirror updates for new imports stuck in “started” state. (!416)
CE/EE: Added remove due dat...详情