AppCode 2016.1.3 RC 发布了,此版本主要是针对在EAP期间发现的问题:
Issue when Emoji in project build settings were incorrectly converted to ASCII (OC-11493)
Problem with syntax inspections in Podfiles after CocoaPods 1.0....详情
Electron v1.2.0 发布了,更新如下:
Update to Chrome 51. #5648
Returning a non-void value in beforeunload handler nows prevents the page to unload. #5648
Improve the “Error opening app” ...详情
Spring Statemachine 1.1.0 发布了,Spring Statemachine (Spring 状态机)是使用spring” target=”_blank”>Spring 框架下的状态机概念创建的一种应用程序开发框架。它使得状态机结构层次化,简化了配置状态机的过程。
Comprehensive support for Spr...详情
Rust 1.9发布了。更新内容:
The #[deprecated] attribute when applied to an API will generate warnings when used. The warnings may be suppressed with #[allow(deprecated)]. RFC 1270.
fn item types are zero s...详情