微软于今天宣布 SQL Server 数据库软件的正式发布版本(GA)。历时一年多,微软为该软件发布了多个公共预览版和候选版本,而今天最终版本终于上线了。大约 1 个月前,微软宣布 SQL Server 2016 将会在 6 月 1 日进入 GA 阶段,而今天微软如约发布了。
访问:SQL Server 2016
在博客中,微软数据集团的企业副总裁 Joseph Sirosh 表示:“在已经简化...详情
Node v6.2.1 (Current) 发布了。改进记录如下:
buffer: Ignore negative lengths in calls to Buffer() andBuffer.allocUnsafe(). This fixes a possible security concern (reported by Feross Aboukhadijeh) where user inp...详情
PyCharm 2016.2 EAP 发布了,PyCharm是由JetBrains打造的一款Python IDE。
Python Related Improvements
Function return values are now shown in the PyCharm’s debugger after stepping out from a function
Sentry 8.5.0 发布了。改进记录如下:
Added option to upload a profile image as an alternative to Gravatar.
Deprecated sentry celery subcommand in favor of sentry run {worker|cron}.
Breadcrumb interface now rend...详情
Appweb v5.6.2 和 v6.2.2 发布了。
Appweb v5.6.2 值得关注的内容:
Apply relevant changes made to Appweb 6.2.2
To build, requires MakeMe 0.10.4 or later
To install packages, use Pak 0.12.1 or later
Appweb v6.2.2 值得...详情
GitLab 8.8.3 发布了,改进记录如下:
EE: Add standard web hook headers to Jenkins CI post. (!374)
EE: Gracefully handle malformed DNs in LDAP group sync. (!392)
EE: Reduce load on DB for license upgrade check. (...详情