SonarQube C/C++/Objective C 3.12 发布了,本次发布主要包括9个新特性:
Conditions should not unconditionally evaluate to “TRUE” or to “FALSE” (C, Bug, cert, cwe, misra)
Example of an issue found in the Git source code:...详情
ICEfaces EE 4.1.0.GA 发布了,主要有如下更新:
10 all-new, and 35 enhanced ACE & MOBI Components.
New support for client-side validation.
All-new “Emporium” sample application demonstrates ACE com...详情
Tor 发布了,改进记录如下:
Major bugfixes (user interface):
Correctly give a warning in the cases where a relay is specified by nickname, and one such relay is found, but it is not officially Named....详情
Vue v2.0.0-alpha.3 发布了,以下是该版本值得关注的内容:
When used with vue-loader or vueify for the scoped CSS feature, content inserted via <slot> will be affected by scoped styles in both the parent and the ch...详情