Firefox 135.0 发布
phpMyAdmin 4.3.0-beta1 发布,此版本现已提供下载。
此版本包括大量的 bug 修复和一些新特性。主要更新内容跟 phpMyAdmin 4.3.0-Alpha1 一样。
- Smart sorting for int keys
- Confirmation message when dropping user(s)
- Confirm dialog on accidentally leaving a page
- Allow clicking an approximate row count to get a correct one
- Support for editing binary fields in hexadecimal
- MariaDB 10+ multi-master replication support
- Allow saving query charts as images
- Use aliases in SQL export for tables and columns
- Export with table/column name changes
- Dynamic process list
- Drag and Drop SQL import
- Preview SQL instead of executing it
- Run SQL query: Allow rollback for InnoDB tables
- Zeroconf PMA tables support
- Regexp replace
- Avoid session timeout when user is active
- MySQL 5.7.5 compatibility
- Avoid session timeout when user is active
- Multiple-column foreign key relation
- Charts for data in <x-axis, series,=”” value=””> format
- Range Search Capability
- Improvements for the table editor (index creation)
- PHP OpenSSL support for cookie encryption/decryption
The phpMyAdmin team