Firefox 135.0 发布
Graylog v1.0-beta.3 发布,Graylog 0.9x 版本升级到 1.0-final 版本会非常简单,不用任何多余的步骤。
相比 Beta2 版本,改进内容:
- Fixed stream alert creation. S#891
- Suppress warning message when PID file doesn’t exist. S#889
- Fixed an error on outputs page with missing output plugin. S#894
- Change default heap and garbage collector settings in scripts.
- Add extractor information to log message about failing extractor.
- Fixed problem in SplitAndIndexExtractor. S#896
- Improved rendering time for indices page. W#1060
- Allow user to edit its own preferences. W#1049
- Fixed updating stream attributes. S#902
- Stream throughput now shows combined value over all nodes. W#1047
- Fixed resource leak in JVM PermGen memory. S#907
- Update to gelfclient-1.1.0 to fix DNS resolving issue. S#882
- Allow arbitrary characters in user names (in fact in any resource url). W#1005 W#1006
- Fixed search result CSV export. S#901
- Skip GC collection notifications for parallel collector. S#899
- Shorter reconnect timeout for Radio AMQP connections. S#900
- Fixed random startup error in Radio. S#911
- Fixed updating an alert condition. S#912
- Add system notifications for journal related warnings. S#897
- Add system notifications for failing outputs. S#741
- Improve search result pagination. W#834
- Improved regex error handling in extractor testing. W#1044
- Wrap long names for node metrics. W#1028
- Fixed node information progress bars. W#1046
- Improve node buffer utilization readability. W#1046
- Fixed username alert receiver form field. W#1050
- Wrap long messages without break characters. W#1052
- Hide list of node plugins if there aren’t any plugins installed.
- Warn user before leaving page with unpinned graphs. W#808
Graylog2 是一个用来将系统日志syslog保存到mongodb”>MongoDB中的工具。 包括一个用Java编写的服务器,可接收来自TCP和UDP的syslog信息,Web接口使用Ruby编写,基于 Rails 框架,可用来查看日志信息。