Jetty 9.2.11.v20150529 发布,下周开始发布 Jetty 9.3 版本,将会要求 Java 8。强烈建议用户升级到 Java 8,相比 Java 7 有大量的改进。
Bugs 修复:
+ 461499 ConnectionPool may leak connections.
+ 463579 Add support for 308 status code.
+ 464292 Implement stream-based transformer for AsyncMiddleManServlet.
+ 464438 ClassFileTransformer support in
org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader broken
+ 464740 DosFilter whiteList check improvement
+ 464869 PathResource.addPath allows absolute resolution.
+ 464989 AbstractSessionManager.removeEventListener() should remove
+ 465053 Prevent gzip buffer overflow on complete
+ 465181 HttpParser parse full end chunk.
+ 465202 Forked Mojo does not extract war overlays/dependencies
+ 465359 Resource.newResource(String res, boolean useCache) does not use
useCache argument
+ 465360 URLResource.addPath should use _useCaches setting to create new
+ 465700 NullPointerException in ResourceHandler with welcome files
+ 465734 DosFilter whitelist bit pattern fix
+ 465747 Jetty is failing to process all HTTP OPTIONS requests.
+ 466329 Fixed local only TestFilter
+ 467276 NPE protection in SslContextFactory
+ 467603 Response 401 from server hangs client.
+ 467936 w Check HttpOutput aggregateSize is < bufferSize
+ 468008 Scanner ignores directory length
+ 468421 HttpClient#send fails with IllegalArgumentException on non-lowercase
+ 468714 SelectorManager updateKey race without submit
+ 468747 XSS vulnerability in HttpSpiContextHandler
Maven Central:
The Jetty Project Team
jesse mcconnell