Scribus 1.5.0 发布,此版本重要更新内容如下:
- Scribus 1.5.0 使用 Qt 5 作为 UI 工具包
- 改进文件格式
- 暂时还未能提供所有平台的 GraphicsMagick 和 Open Scene Graph 支持
- Scribus 会检测 UniConvertor 安装版本
- Windows, Mac OS X 和源代码:
- Fedora 和 CentOS RPMs:
- The user interface has been overhauled and restructured in many places. For example, the context menu takes a lot less screen estate than before, and the Document Setup / Preferences dialog has been rewritten from scratch. The Scribus Team is aware of the remaining deficiencies and will work on resolving these issues before the release of 1.6.0. In some cases inconsistencies in the UI (e.g. the “Drop Shadow” tab in the Properties Palette) have been deliberately left in place to receive feedback from users as to which way they prefer.
- Scribus can now store bitmap images within its native file format. Previously it was only possible to link to external images.
- Scribus 1.5.0 now offers a “Symbol” or clone feature similar to Adobe Illustrator: If one master object (Symbol) has been modified, all of its copies (clones) are being modified as well.
- With the new “Weld” feature, objects can be combined and moved without being “grouped”, i.e., each object remains fully editable.
Text / Typography
Scribus 1.5.0 provides some of the most often requested text features, among them:
- vertical scaling of text;
- orphans and widows control;
- foot and end notes;
- text variables;
- cross references.
Moreover, Inline Objects in text frames are finally fully editable.
In previous Scribus versions tables were nothing more than combined text frames. Scribus 1.5.0 finally introduces “real” tables that resemble table features in word processors and other DTP programs, including table styles.
- A new feature-rich plug-in called ‘Picture Browser’ enables asset management for graphics files by tagging them or creating graphics collections. Graphics files can be dragged into a Scribus document from the Picture Browser.
- Scribus 1.5.0 supports all advanced gradient types available in Adobe Illustrator and XARA Designer, including mesh gradients.
- One of the most-requested features — drop shadows — is finally available, albeit still experimental.
- For documents that comprise many large (in terms of file size) bitmap images, a configurable image cache has been added. It can buffer image files to the hard drive and free RAM, so Scribus can continue to run smoothly.
File Import / Export
Scribus 1.5.0 is being shipped with a huge number of new or rewritten import filters, although not all of them are of equal quality, and some are still experimental.
DTP Files
For the first time in its history, Scribus 1.5.0 can open / import files created by other DTP programs, namely: Adobe InDesign XML (IDML), Adobe InDesign Snippets (IDMS), Adobe PageMaker (P65, PMD), Apple iWorks PAGES, Microsoft Publisher (PUB), QuarkXPress Tags (XTG), VIVA Designer XML, and Xara Page & Layout Designer (XAR).
Regarding DTP formats not yet supported, a workaround is sometimes to use an output format as an option. Accordingly, Scribus 1.5.0’s PDF importer has been rewritten from scratch, and Scribus can now reliably open almost every PDF file directly with the original layout intact. For Windows users, Scribus 1.5.0 also comes with reliable import filters for Microsoft’s PDF alternatives XPS (Windows Vista and 7) and OXPS (Windows 8 and later).
Vector Drawings
- The import filter for Adobe Illustrator files has been rewritten from scratch and Scribus’s graphics capabilities have been expanded accordingly, so most AI files can be imported or opened flawlessly. Moreover, Scribus can now detect hybrid AI files and enables users to choose between the AI and the PDF version.
- The import filter for OpenDocument graphics files has been rewritten from scratch and expanded, so Scribus can now open and import ODG drawings and ODP slide shows without issue.
- “Layers” in SVG files are now supported if an SVG document is being opened (as opposed to being imported into an existing document).
- Thanks to the libraries provided by the Document Liberation Project, Scribus can now import native MS Visio and CorelDraw files.
- Other new import filters: Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM), Photoshop Custom Shapes (CSH), Micrografx Draw (DRW), Enhanced Metafile (EMF), StarView Metafile (SVM), WordPerfect Graphics (WPG), Xara Designer (XAR).
Bitmap Files
- Scribus 1.5.0 supports the open standard Open Raster (ORA) for complex bitmap files, including advanced features like layer effects or paths.
- With GraphicsMagick installed, Scribus can import all bitmap files supported by this program, including GIMP’s native XCF format.
- Scribus 1.5.0 can import PGF bitmaps, an open alternative to JPEG 2000.
Portable Scribus 是一款类似 Adobe Pagemaker 的开源电子杂志制作软件,可以用来制作个人文件、邮件列表、电子杂志类型的电子文档。它体积很小,可以放在U盘里,只需插入相应的电脑就可以使用。