Firefox 135.0 发布
Calibre 2.41 发布,此版本更新内容如下:
- Edit Book: Allow editing an unzipped EPUB (a folder) as a book
Useful if you wish to store your ebook in a version control system and edit it directly with the calibre ebook editor (File->Open folder as book)
- Edit Book: Allow easily removing items from the popup menu for the ‘Insert tag’ button
- Make Tag Browser more useable with keyboard shortcuts. Configure the keyboard shortcuts in Preferences->Keyboard->Tag Browser
- ToC editor: Add context menu item to change selected entries to upper case
Bug 修复
- Edit Book: Preview panel: Render in XHTML mode. Fixes svg elements using a global svg namespace not rendering.
- Tag Browser: Fix clicking on first-letter groups for series not working
- DOCX Output: Ignore corrupted images in the input instead of erroring out on them.
- E-book viewer: Fix keyboard shortcut to toggle table of contents not working when ToC window is made floating.
Closes tickets: 1503910
- Allow ebook-metadata to work with read-only files when no options are specified to change metadata.
Closes tickets: 1504345
- Tag mapper: When the replacement tag contains commas, create multiple tags instead of replacing the comma with a semi-colon.
Closes tickets: 1503526
- HTMLZ Output: Set the HTML <title> to the book title.
Closes tickets: 1502592
- Boston Globe
- Wall Street Journal
- Komputerra
- Spectator Magazine
- The Independent
Calibre是电子书管理软件,支持Amazon、Apple、Bookeen、Ectaco、Endless Ideas、Google/HTC、Hanlin Song设备及格式,功能十分强大。