Aspose.Words for Cloud 1.20.0 发布,主要更新如下:
- Added property “CssClassNamesPrefix” to HtmlFixedSaveOptions
- Added property “ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages” to HtmlSaveOptions, EpubSaveOptions, MhtmlSaveOptions
- Added feature to include or exclude specific areas of the document in statistic resource (includeTextInShapes, includeComments, includeFootnotes
- Added support adding merge fields (and other fields) in the document
- Added property “ColorMode” to SaveOptions
- Added “Comments” resource
- Added new save option “UpdateSdtContent”
- Added support of inserting comment inside run
- Added option “replaceResourcesHostTo” to convert resource
- Added “Search” resource
- Added “Encoding” save option to htmlfixed format
- Added support HTML formatted text in JSON format
- Added “loadEncoding” option while loading Txt file
- Added feature to compare two documents
- SAASWORDS-224 : Fixed issue with system fonts
- SAASWORDS-203 : Fixed issue with document’s statistic
- SAASWORDS-230 : Fixed “Index was outside the bounds of the array” excpetion in mailmerge
- SAASWORDS-223 : Fixed “System.IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown while saving docx to pdf”
- SAASWORDS-218 : Fixed “‘A generic error occurred in GDI+’ occurs when converting DOCX to PDF”
- SAASWORDS-229 : Fixed “DOC to HTML – Transparent background images show black background in the HTML”
- SAASWORDS-211 : Fixex “DOCX to PDF throws Object reference not set to an instance of an object”
- SAASWORDS-238 : Fixed “Watermark (shape node) is lost after re-saving Docx”
- SAASWORDS-255 : Text is missing from the output PDF
- SAASWORDS-250 : Many unwanted red crossed symbols appear in PDF
- SAASWORDS-88 : Page content has been shifted to the previous page
- SAASWORDS-87 : Incorrect page count while exporting docx to pdf file format
Aspose.Words是一款先进的类库,使您可以直接在各个应用程序中执行各种文档处理任务。Aspose.Words支持 DOC,OOXML,RTF,HTML,OpenDocument, PDF, XPS, EPUB和其他格式。使用Aspose.Words,您可以生成,更改,转换,渲染和打印文档而不使用Microsoft Word。