Firefox 135.0 发布
Adobe Brackets 1.6 预发布下载,主要更新如下:
- Add flip-view and close buttons to pane-headers by petetnt : In split view, documents now can be closed via the new close button added at the right corners of both the panes. Also, document now can be easily moved into the other pane, using the new flip button.
- Type Inference in hint list by swmitra : Javascript code hints are now further improved to show more information like the type and documentation associated with the function/variable along with any hyperlinks.
- Split View (Same Document) by swmitra : Same document can now be opened in both the panes, when in split view.
- Toggle panels and no-Distraction mode by abose : Brackets now has a no-distraction mode which can be enabled using Cmd-Shift-2 shortcut. Once enabled, this mode will hide the toolbar bar panel on the right as well as the project tree.
Brackets 是 Adobe 的开源 HTML/CSS/JavaScript 集成开发环境。Brackets 当前为Mac, Windows以及Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)提供最新稳定版的二进制发布, 源代码托管在GitHub上。