AeroGear iOS SDK v2.2 发布!
1. Synchronisation (new):
AeroGear 1.0.0-alpha1 sync 发布,AeroGear 添加了一些新特性到工具链找那个:数据同步。
iOS 数据同步包括:
- aerogear-ios-sync: the sync engine is where the algorithm is implemented. The sync algorithm is based on Google’s Differential Synchronisation. We provide two implementations: one text-based DiffMatchPatch and a JsonPatch version based on JSON Patch RFC6902.
- aerogear-ios-sync-client: the client uses sync engine and a network implementation. Our libraries is based on WebSockets to provide real-time sync.
- Jedi demo: Star Wars fan, rejoice in discovering our two Jedi hobbies demos (DiffMatchPatch and JsonPatch).
2. 常规清理任务
- Move to cocoapods 0.36.0 for using iOS dynamic framework.
- Deprecate aerogear-ios-httpstub in favor of OHHTTPStubs.
- and cookbook demos: Buddies is replaced by ChuckNorris to remove backend dependency.AeroDoc repo has moved to cookbook 1.6.x branch to better gather together all demos.
将会继续关注同步工程,提供更好的 JSON Pointer RFC6901 和 JSON Patch RFC6902 Swift 实现。
Have fun!
AeroGear iOS team
AeroGear 是 JBoss 的一个新成员,是一个用于生成手机Web应用模板的脚手架。