Firefox 135.0 发布
Android Studio 2.2 Preview 2 发布了。
- ConstraintLayout: version 1.0.0-alpha2
- Fixed guidelines crash on device
- Fixed typo in attribute name (leftToLeft)
- Changed orientation attribute namespace from app to android to fix a conflict with GridLayout
- ConstraintLayout now works properly inside ScrollView
- ConstraintLayout now works properly inside RecyclerView
- Percentage positioning of guidelines is now parsed as an integer instead of a dimension
- Better behavior for match_parent on the device. The behavior is now the same as 0dp (the widget stretches according to its constraints)
- Layout Editor
- Fixed bug which sometimes turned fonts blue in other editors (.xml, .java)
- Fewer generated XML attributes
- Better behavior for match_parent in the editor
- Fixed widgets resizing during drag
- Improved guidelines representation in the editor
- Improved auto conversion to ConstraintLayout
- Improved edition of nested layouts
- Various bug fixes and improvements in the editor
- Fixed bug preventing the IDE from starting on some Linux distributions (in particular where /bin/sh is not bash)
- Export Signed APK wizard was exporting to the wrong folder (issue 210520)
- Fixed bug in welcome screen which meant some users couldn’t create new projects
- Fixed embedded JDK handling
- Fixed a bug bugs in the native/hybrid debugger
- Disabled a couple of Groovy inspections that reported incorrect errors in build.gradle files
- Fixed an instant run bug which for some users resulted in every run turning into a full build
- Fixed a couple of crashes in lint (in the new Gradle plugin, 2.2 alpha 2)
- A bunch of improvements to the accessibility support