Android Studio 2.0 Preview 3 发布,该版本有多项 bug 修复,主要更新如下:
- A new lint check which looks at switch statements used in concert with @IntDef integers, and makes sure that all constants from the @IntDef are handled:
Note that there is a quickfix for adding the missing statements as well, so after adding an empty switch statement this is a quick way to populate the initial set of case statements:
- A new lint check which flags incorrect attempts to insert version numbers in Gradle file using String interpolation. This will automatically flag this “gotcha”
- Lint now flags anonymous classes that extend Fragment
- Two new security lint checks contributed by Michael Peck: One which looks for native code in unsafe locations (such as asset folders), and another which flags Runtime.load() and System.load() calls.
- The translation editor now supports speed search (and F2 to enter cell editing).
- We’ve also tweaked the Instant Run facility such that when changes can’t be hotswapped, there’s a confirmation dialog before restarting the app. We’ll be tweaking this in the next preview build.
- Various improvements to the AVD Manager to support the new emulator