Firefox 135.0 发布
Android-x86 6.0-rc2 发布了,该版本修复了一些在 6.0-rc1 中发现的问题并更新了新的功能,而且已应用 AOSP 所有的安全补丁。
- Launch the Android-x86 Analytics Program to collect anonymous data from users.
- Update kernel to 4.4.17 with more upstream patches.
- Update Mesa to 12.0.1. The unstable issues of i965/i915/Nvidia GPUs found in 6.0-rc1 are fixed.
- Fix software rendering crashing issues on VM like QEMU and VirtualBox.
- Fix modules auto loading method to improve hardware compatibility.
- Improve audio hal sound card selection.
- Auto-mount USB/sdcard with ext4/ntfs/exfat/vfat filesystems.
- Add back SDCARD=xxx function to vold 3.0.
- RTC time is set to local.