Angular.js v1.5.7 发布了,改进记录如下:
Bugs 修复:
- $compile:
- $parse: allow arguments to contain filter chains (cc6dcb4b,#4175, #4168, #14720)
- $routeProvider: do not deep-copy route definition objects (6d0dcca6,#14478, #14699,#14750)
- input[email]: improve email address validation (f423dc6b,#14719)
- ngMessages: create new scope for ngMessage, clean it up correctly (56f33af8,#14307)
- ngMessagesInclude: don’t break on empty (or whitespace-only) templates (01b8772c,#12941, #14726)
- ngMock#$controller: properly assign bindings to all types of controllers (e.g. class-based) (db58801a,#14437, #14439)
- ngMockE2E: allow $httpBackend.passThrough() to work when ngMock is loaded (6685043a,#1434, #13124)
- ngSanitize: call attribute setter in linky for all links (c4fad6ad,#14707)
- limitTo: add support for array-like objects (b03957f0,#14657, #14694)
- orderBy: add support for custom comparators (2e33d170,#13238, #14455, #5123, #8112,#10368, #14468)