Firefox 135.0 发布
世界领先的开源解决方案供应商红帽公司(NYSE:RHT)宣布发布 Ansible2.1,简单、功能强大。Ansible 成立于 2013年,在2015年被红帽收购,ansible” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>开源软件 Ansible 就是Ansible 旗下的十分流行的一个模型驱动的配置管理器。
1.支持Microsoft Windows 和 Microsoft Azure
(1)对于Microsoft Azure更广泛的支持
- Expanding Ansible’s support for hybrid cloud deployments, including the ability to take advantage of Azure’s Resource Manager functionality.
- Enabling the management of Windows file sharing and the Windows firewall, further increasing Windows’ automatable surface area within Ansible.
- Enabling more secure authentication of domain users with just a username and password – reducing the need to configure and manage Kerberos on the Ansible control machine.
(4)扩展Kerberos Delegation 用于多跳情景
- Enabling more secure authentication of domain users with just a username and password – reducing the need to configure and manage Kerberos on the Ansible control machine.
(5)新的win_reboot action使重新启动更简单
- Helping to solve the challenge of automating software installations on Windows platforms that also require a system restart as part of a workflow.
- docker_service: Enables Ansible users to consume Docker Compose and manage and scale multi-container applications.
- docker_container: Managing basic container lifecycle
- docker_image: Build, push, pull, and tag images for Docker
- docker_login: for managing access to Docker registries
- docker_image Facts: Inspect images for metadata
详情参见:Red Hat Debuts Ansible 2.1, with Network Automation, Containers, Microsoft Windows, and Azure