Apache Apex Core 3.3.0 发布,该版本目前还是在 Apache 基金会的孵化阶段。
Apache Apex 是一个企业级的统一流和批处理引擎。提供高度可伸缩、高性能、容错、有状态、安全和分布式的大数据处理,同时操作起来非常简单容易。
- [APEXCORE-104] – Expand Module DAG
- [APEXCORE-105] – Support injecting properties through xml file on modules.
- [APEXCORE-144] – Provide REST api for listing information about module.
- [APEXCORE-151] – Provide code style templates for major IDEs (Eclipse, IntelliJ and NetBeans)
- [APEXCORE-182] – Add Apache copyright to IntelliJ
- [APEXCORE-194] – Add support for ProxyPorts in Modules
- [APEXCORE-226] – Strictly enforce wrapping indentation in checkstyle
- [APEXCORE-227] – Enforce left brace placement for anonymous class on the next line
- [APEXCORE-230] – Limit line lengths to be 120
- [APEXCORE-239] – Upgrade checkstyle to 6.12 from 6.11.2
- [APEXCORE-248] – Increase wrapping indentation from 2 to 4.
- [APEXCORE-249] – Enforce class, method, constructor annotations on a separate line
- [APEXCORE-250] – Exclude DtCli from System.out checks
- [APEXCORE-267] – Fix existing checkstyle violations in api
- [APEXCORE-270] – Enforce checkstyle validations on test classes
- [APEXCORE-272] – Attributes added to operator inside Module is not preserved.
- [APEXCORE-273] – Fix existing checkstyle violations in bufferserver module
- [APEXCORE-306] – Recovery checkpoint handing in iteration loops
- [APEXCORE-58] – endWindow is being called even when the operator is being undeployed
- [APEXCORE-83] – beginWindow not called on recovery
- [APEXCORE-193] – apex-app-archetype has extraneous entry that generates a warning when running it
- [APEXCORE-204] – Update checkstyle and codestyle to be the same
- [APEXCORE-211] – Brace placement after static blocks in checkstyle configuration
- [APEXCORE-263] – Checkpoint can be performed twice for same window
- [APEXCORE-274] – removeTerminatedPartition fails for Unifier operator
- [APEXCORE-275] – Two threads can try to reconnect to websocket server upon disconnection
- [APEXCORE-278] – GenericNodeTest clutters test logs with unnecessary statement
- [APEXCORE-296] – Memory leak in operator stats processing
- [APEXCORE-300] – Fix checkstyle regular expression
- [APEXCORE-303] – Launch properties not evaluated
- [APEXCORE-40] – Semver dependencies should be in Maven Central
- [APEXCORE-162] – Enhance StramTestSupport.TestMeta API
- [APEXCORE-181] – Expose methods in StramWSFilterInitializer to get the RM webapp address
- [APEXCORE-188] – Make type graph lazy load
- [APEXCORE-199] – CLI should check for version compatibility when launching app package
- [APEXCORE-228] – Add maven 3.0.5 as prerequisites to the Apex parent pom
- [APEXCORE-229] – Upgrade checkstyle maven plugin (2.17) and checkstyle dependency (6.11.2)
- [APEXCORE-291] – Provide a way for an operator to specify its metric aggregator instance
- [APEXCORE-305] – Enable checkstyle violations logging to console during maven build
New Feature
- [APEXCORE-3] – Ability for an operator to populate DAG at launch time
- [APEXCORE-60] – Iterative processing support
- [APEXCORE-78] – Pre-Checkpoint Operator Callback
- [APEXCORE-276] – Make App Data Push transport pluggable and configurable
- [APEXCORE-283] – Operator checkpointing in distributed in-memory store
- [APEXCORE-288] – Add group id information to apex app package
- [APEXCORE-24] – Takes out usage of Rhino as it is GPL 2.0
- [APEXCORE-186] – Enable license check in Travis CI
- [APEXCORE-253] – Apex archetype includes dependencies which do not belong to org.apache.apex
- [APEXCORE-298] – Reduce the severity of line length check
- [APEXCORE-301] – Add “io” as a separate import to checkstyle rules
- [APEXCORE-302] – Update NOTICE copyright year
- [APEXCORE-308] – Implement findbugs plugin reporting
- [APEXCORE-317] – Run performance benchmark for the Apex Core 3.3.0 release