Apache Commons Math 3.6 发布,更新如下:
新特性: o Added a RotationConvention enumerate to allow specifying the semantics or axis/angle for rotations. This enumerate has two values: VECTOR_OPERATOR and FRAME_TRANSFORM. Issue: MATH-1302,MATH-1303. o Added a field-based version of Ordinary Differential Equations framework. This allows integrating ode that refer to RealField elements instead of primitive double, hence opening the way to use DerivativeStructure to compute partial differential without using variational equations, or to solve ode with extended precision using Dfp. Issue: MATH-1288. o Added a nth order Brent solver for general real fields, replacing the former solver that was restricted to Dfp fields only. o New "Range" inner class of "o.a.c.m.util.IntegerSequence". Issue: MATH-1286. o "AggregateSummaryStatistics" can now aggregate any kind of "StatisticalSummary". Issue: MATH-837. o Deep copy of "Network" (package "o.a.c.m.ml.neuralnet") to allow evaluation of of intermediate states during training. Issue: MATH-1278. o Added negative zero support in FastMath.pow. Issue: MATH-1273. Thanks to Qualtagh. o Various SOFM visualizations (in package "o.a.c.m.ml.neuralnet.twod.util"): Unified distance matrix, hit histogram, smoothed data histograms, topographic error, quantization error. Issue: MATH-1270. o New interfaces to be implemented by algorithms that visualizes properties of a "NeuronSquareMesh2D" (package "o.a.c.m.ml.neuralnet.twod.util"). Issue: MATH-1268. o Reimplemented pow(double, double) in FastMath, for better accuracy in integral power cases and trying to fix erroneous JIT optimization again. o Added a pow(double, long) method in FastMath. o "NeuronSquareMesh2D" (package "o.a.c.m.ml.neuralnet.twod") implements "Iterable". Issue: MATH-1265. o "MapUtils" (package "o.a.c.m.ml.neuralnet"): Method to sort units according to distance from a given vector. Issue: MATH-1264. o Accessor (class "o.a.c.m.ml.neuralnet.twod.NeuronSquareMesh2D"). Issue: MATH-1263. o New "IntegerSequence" class (in package "o.a.c.m.util") with "Incrementor" inner class. Issue: MATH-1259. o "Neuron" class (package "o.a.c.m.ml.neuralnet"): added methods that can be used to assess concurrency performance. Issue: MATH-1250. o Method "cosAngle" in "o.a.c.m.util.MathArrays". Issue: MATH-1244.
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Commons Math 是 Apache 上一个轻量级自容器的数学和统计计算方法包,包含大多数常用的数值算法。