Firefox 135.0 发布
Apache Solr 6.0.1 发布了,此版本包括自6.0.0版本以来的31项bug修复,文档更新等。
- 升级说明 (1)
- If you use historical dates, specifically on or before the year 1582, you should re-index.
- Bug修复 (24)
- 略
- 其他更新 (7)
- SOLR-7516: Improve javadocs for JavaBinCodec, ObjectResolver and enforce the single-usage policy.
(Jason Gerlowski, Benoit Vanalderweireldt, shalin) - SOLR-8967: In SolrCloud mode, under the ‘Core Selector’ dropdown in the UI the Replication tab won’t be displayed anymore. The Replication tab is only beneficial to users running Solr in master-slave mode.
(Varun Thacker) - SOLR-8985: Added back support for ‘includeDynamic’ flag to /schema/fields endpoint
(noble) - SOLR-9131: Fix “start solr” text in cluster.vm Velocity template
(janhoy) - SOLR-9053: Upgrade commons-fileupload to 1.3.1, fixing a potential vulnerability
(Jeff Field, Mike Drob via janhoy) - SOLR-9115: Get rid of javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter in SimplePostTool for Java 9 compatibility.
(Uwe Schindler) - SOLR-5776,SOLR-9068,SOLR-8970:(hossman)
- SOLR-7516: Improve javadocs for JavaBinCodec, ObjectResolver and enforce the single-usage policy.
- Refactor SSLConfig so that SSLTestConfig can provide SSLContexts using a NullSecureRandom to prevent SSL tests from blocking on entropy starved machines.
- SSLTestConfig: Alternate (psuedo random) NullSecureRandom for Constants.SUN_OS.
- SSLTestConfig: Replace NullSecureRandom w/ NotSecurePsuedoRandom.
- Change SSLTestConfig to use a keystore file that is included as a resource in the test-framework jar so users subclassing SolrTestCaseJ4 don’t need to preserve magic paths.
详情: CHANGES.txt