Firefox 135.0 发布
AppCode 2016.2.1 更新了,AppCode 是一个全新的 Objective-C、Swift 的集成开发环境,用于帮助开发 Mac、iPhone 和 iPad 的应用程序。
- Improvements for error handling intentions, such as Add ‘catch’ clause, Add default ‘catch’ clause, Add try and others.
- Override/Implement (^O/^I) popup now shows methods from extensions for Swift classes and doesn’t insert superclass @available attributes
- Move/Subclass/Superclass/Pull Members Up/Push Members Down refactorings now work correctly (OC-13608)
- Framework submodules imported using @import directive are now correctly resolved.
- Fixes for debugger issues with breakpoints in project with symlinks (OC-13971) and Core Data entity properties (OC-13981).