CakePHP 3.0.1 发布,此版本是个 bug 修复版本,主要改进如下:
- Reduced chances for timing attacks in HMAC comparisons in Security::decrypt() by using more constant time string comparisons.
- FormHelper now supports an idPrefix option. This option allows you to specify the prefix you want prepended to id attribute of all inputs FormHelper generates.
- FormHelper now supports group templates for each input type. For example, theradioFormGroup template will be used for radio button sets.
- Elements included in a prefixed request context now look in prefixed paths. When a controller runs in a prefixed route/namespace it will automatically append the current prefix to the view paths used to locate elements.
- Schema reflection for Postgres no longer fails when foreign keys rely on stored procedures.
- Schema reflection now treats money columns as strings. Due to leading currency codes the ORM cannot easily map this type into float values.
- Selectboxes disable and select active options correctly now when complex option data is used.
- Selectboxes can now have an empty name attribute.
- URL filters are applied before the existing request context is applied now.
- CakeI18nTime now supports short timezone offset formats.
- Query logging now works when the duplicate named parameters are used.
- existsIn rules now correctly set an error message when used with a list of fields.
- RulesChecker methods can now return strings to indicate failure. The returned strings will be used as the error message if a field was also defined for the rule.
- Primary key values can now be defined when creating entities. This improves compatibility with UUID’s where ID’s are generated outside of your application.
- When saving/updating entities, existing HasMany associations can be re-linked using a _idsinput similar to BelongsToMany associations.
- Greatly improved performance around hydrating ORM results.
- Improved PHP7 & HHVM compatibility.
- Improved API documentation.
3 月 22 日正式发布了 CakePHP 3.0.0 版本
CakePHP 3.0.0 稳定版是向后不兼容版本,现在 CakePHP 最低要求:
- PHP 5.4.16 及其以上
- mbstring 扩展
- intl 扩展
CakePHP 3.0 值得关注的改进如下:
最大的改进是新增 ORM:
- Use of the Datamapper Pattern.
- Support for different eager loading strategies.
- Improved query building with a fluent interface.
- Embedded support for data post-processing with a full featured collections library.
- Support for composite primary keys.
- Ability to both return plain arrays or objects as results.
- Custom data types logic for casting complex types from, and to, the database.
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