Firefox 135.0 发布
CakePHP 2.9.4 发布了。这是 3.3 分支的维护版本,修复了几个社区报告的问题。更新如下:
Bug 修复
- The hu-HU and lv-LV locales were added.
- Errors are no longer emitted when operating on corrupted cookie data.
- Fix redirectUrl issue when loginRedirect is empty.
- Fix missing HTML encoding when error messages contain HTML. This can happen when user data is used as an offset in an array in an unchecked way. Thanks to Teppei Fukuda for reporting this issue via the responsible security disclosure process.
- TreeBehavior no longer invokes its own methods indirectly via the Model proxy method.
- Xml::fromArray() now correctly serializes
对 PHP 7.1 的支持
- CakePHP 2.9.4 的所有测试都在 PHP7.1 中通过。PHP 7.1 现在是 2.x 系列的官方支持版本。