Firefox 135.0 发布
CCleaner是一款免费的系统优化和隐私保护工具。CCleaner的主要用来清除Windows系统不再使用的 垃圾文件,以腾出更多硬盘空间。它的 另一大功能是清除使用者的上网记录.CCleaner的体积小,运行速度极快,可以对临时文件夹、历史记录、回收站等进行垃圾清理,并可对注册表进行垃圾项扫描、清理。附带软件卸载功能。
CCleaner 5.18.5607 (24 May 2016):
- Improved Microsoft Edge Cache and History cleaning.
- Improved Firefox 46 Session cleaning.
- Optimized detection and cleaning of portable browsers.
- Improved Browser Monitoring functionality (Professional only).
- Improved Unicode support in Startup and Browser Plugin management.
- Improved localization support.
- Minor GUI improvements.
- Minor bug fixes.