Firefox 135.0 发布
Crate 0.54.9 发布了。更新如下:
- Improved retry logic of bulk inserts/updates in order to prevent stack overflows caused by recursive retry calls that could lead to hanging update and imports using “copy from“.
- Fixed a race condition that could lead to relative write operations (`x = x+ 1`) to be executed twice.
- In certain cases settings provided via “-Des.“ system properties could be overridden by the “crate.yml“ provided in “$CRATE_HOME/config“
- Fixed an issue that prevented generated columns to work correctly with arrays.
- Restrict creation of tables having the primary key constraint within an array column type or its children.
- with arrays.
- Fixed an issue that could lead to the `internal_action_long_timeout` and `recovery_activity_timeout` settings to be reset to a wrong default value on a setting update
- Fixed an issue that could lead to stuck queries if a node dropped out of the cluster.
- Fix: Changing the column policy on a partitioned table throws an exception if more than 1 partition exists.
- Fix: Altering a setting on an empty partitioned table is changing the setting on all exising tables.
- Fix: Throw proper error if a column is used twice in primary key constraint.
- Fix: Improved error handling to make sure JOIN queries don’t get stuck on shard failures.
- Fix bug which could cause the MATCH predicate in WHERE clause for partitioned tables to fail. This happens in cases when a column ident of the MATCH predicate is not a primary key column.
- Fix: While restoring a snapshot with multiple indices inside, selecting concrete indices can result in a wrong index being restored.
- Fix: Insert by query into a table with nested primary keys or nested partitioned by columns defined did not work.