Firefox 135.0 发布
D3.js 4.0.0 发布,更新如下:
颜色,插值器 和 秤
- Colors now have opacity (rgba, hsla, etc.).
- New Cubehelix color space.
- New sequential color scales, including Viridis and cyclical Rainbow.
- New point and band scales replace ordinal.rangeBands and ordinal.rangePoints.
- New basis spline interpolators (e.g., continuous ColorBrewer schemes).
形状 和 布局
- Shapes (e.g., lines, areas, arcs) can now render to Canvas.
- Fixed cardinal and monotone splines.
- Added parameterized Catmull–Rom and natural splines.
- New deterministic, extensible velocity Verlet force layout.
- New circle-packing layout!
- New extensible treemap layout; improved squarified treemaps; added binary treemaps.
- New d3.stratify for tabular hierarchical data.
- New faster, mutable, non-recursive quadtrees.
- Voronoi diagrams now expose topological information.
选择,转换, 舒缓 和 定时器
- Selections and transitions are now immutable, providing a cleaner interface.
- New selection.raise, selection.lower and selection.dispatch methods.
- Time is now frozen in the background, avoiding unintended effort.
- Timers can now be stopped externally.
- Transitions can now interpolate CSS transforms (in addition to SVG transforms).
- You can now cancel transitions using selection.interrupt.
- Easier transition chaining thanks to new and changed transition.delay.
- Better performance for homogenous transitions (e.g., shared interpolators across elements).
- Better state persistence and enforcement for transitions.
- Fixed elastic and bounce easing.
- Better default axis appearance.
- Better brush interaction.
- Built-in asynchronous queue for loading files in parallel.
- New low-level d3.ticks API.