Firefox 135.0 发布
Drupal 7.36 发布,此版本主要更新信息如下:
- Prevented the form API from allowing arrays to be submitted for various form elements, such as textfields, textareas, and password fields (API change:
- Added a ‘javascript_always_use_jquery’ variable which can be set to FALSE by sites that may not need jQuery loaded on all pages, and a ‘requires_jquery’ option to drupal_add_js() which modules can set to FALSE when adding JavaScript files that have no dependency on jQuery (API addition:
- Added a user_has_role() function to check whether a user has a particular role (API addition:
- Added a ‘file_public_schema’ variable which allows modules that define publicly-accessible streams in hook_stream_wrappers() to bypass file download access checks when processing managed file upload fields.
- Fixed a bug that caused database query tags not to be added to search-related database queries under many circumstances, and which prevented the corresponding hook_query_TAG_alter() implementations from being called.
- Fixed the “for” attribute on managed file upload field labels to improve accessibility (minor markup change).
- Fixed incorrect foreign keys in the User module’s role_permission and users_roles database tables.
- Changed permission descriptions throughout Drupal core to consistently link to relevant administrative pages, regardless of whether the user viewing the Permissions page can view the page being linked to (minor UI change).
- Fixed the drupal_add_region_content() function so that it actually adds content to the page.