Firefox 135.0 发布
Drupal 8.0.2 发布,主要更新如下:
- #2643570 by gnuget: Correct $lockBackend local variable use
- #2598178 by krknth, xjm: Remove unneeded settings in core/modules/file/src/Tests/FileFieldRSSContentTest.php
- #2628754 by cilefen, kristiaanvandeneynde, dawehner, Berdir: Link::toString() should not be deprecated
- #2642236 by TR: Various setUp() and tearDown() methods are not protected (the sequel)
- #2643636 by hass: dialog.css: ajax-progress-throbber URL is incorrect
- #2625512 by heykarthikwithu, Mac_Weber, Wim Leers: Add @param, @return in the code base for the editor module
- #2635238 by dsnopek, tim.plunkett: Contexts not mapped in time to use them in BlockInterface::access()
- #2637304 by legolasbo, Xano: Add missing typehints in EntityAutocomplete
- #2569893 by quicksketch, Wim Leers, DuaelFr: CKEditor alignment buttons can be used even when the align filter is disabled
- #2575387 by chrisfree, r_sharma08, hussainweb, sudhanshug, Cottser, anil280988, AjitS,rashid_786, drupal.ninja03, Prashant.c, snehi, jordanpagewhite, anil.gangwal, brahmjeet789,jhodgdon, davidhernandez, Manjit.Singh: Add README.txt to Classy Base Theme?
- #2642824 by chx, jhodgdon: Document extension_discovery_scan_tests setting everywhere
- #2580423 by giancarlosotelo, s_leu, ameymudras, Berdir: Entity reference widgets don’t display entity translations
- #2584869 by eyilmaz: States collapsed/open/closed doesn’t work for
- #2605214 by G√°bor Hojtsy, ChuChuNaKu, EclipseGc, dawehner: Views InOperator::getValueOptions() children do not return values like InOperator::getValueOptions()
- #2621486 by Lars Toomre: Fixes to migrate/tests/src/Unit/*.php files
- #2624660 by Lars Toomre: Some fixes to migrate/src/Plugin/*.php files
- #2302319 by geertvd, Lendude: Missing caption, if view (format table) is grouped by a field
完整更新请看:8.0.2 release notes 或者 发行说明。
Drupal 是一个开源的内容管理系统(CMS) 平台,它是用 PHP 写成的。主要用于构造提供多种功能和服务的动态网站,这些功能包括用户管理(UserAdministration)、发布工作流 (Publishing Workflow)、讨论、新闻聚合(NewsAggregation)、元数据(Metadata)操作和用于内容共享的XML发布。Drupal有一 个优秀的模块化结构,提供了许多模块,包括短消息、个性化书签、网站管理、Blog、日记、电子商务、电子出版、留言簿、Job、网上电影院、论坛、投票 等模块。并且Drupal模块的下载、安装、定制非常方便。