Firefox 135.0 发布
Emmabuntus 1.00 “Debian” 发布,主要更新如下:
- Distribution based on Debian 8.5
- Addition of Libre and Non-Libre packets to support WIFI connections in Live mode
- Addition of icons package Revival Icon Theme
- Addition of HandySoft as new software center
- Addition of HandyUpdateChecker as software update manager
- Addition of HandyTri to sort out the files (documents, images etc …) for example in the Download folder
- Addition of the MintLocal utility to handle the language installations
- Addition of Scratch
- Replacement of Gramps by Ancestris
- Replacement of Arista by Transmageddon
- Replacement of Iceweasel by Firefox-ESR
- Addition of driver installation script of the Brother printers
- Addition of script for screen saver image selection
- Addition of the non-libre TurboPrint utility for printers support
- Fix of the non-functioning Catfish by adding the mlocate packet
- Fix of icon display problem within the Cairo-Dock application menu
- Fix the Whisker menu setting bug during the post-install
- Fix an abnormal stop delay after the TeamViewer install
- Fix the “segmentation fault” bug when running FreeTuxTV
- Fix the Pinta bug at crop level, by upgrading to version 1.6
- Fix installation Pepper Flash plugin for Chromium
- Upgrade of the HPLip script to version 3.16.5
详情请看发行说明,Download: emmabuntus-de-i386-jessie-1.00.iso (3,724MB, MD5,pkglist).