Mozilla已经推出了Firefox 32.0.3。虽然没有令人瞠目结舌的新功能,但是均包含了一些有用的改进,帮助Firefox继续跟上浏览器竞争步伐。Firefox 32带有一个新的HTTP缓存后端,其他改进包括请求排序的优化,以提供更快的加载时间以及对崩溃和挂起应变能力提升。
新版本还改进了密码管理器、加载项管理器。用户还可以连接到通过HTTPS连接HTTP代理,另外集成了垃圾网页回收功能。Firefox 32版本还实现了新的HTML5技术,支持HIDPI开发,开发商也获得了新的网络音频编辑工具。
Fixed32.0.2 – Corrupt installations cause Firefox to crash on update
NewNew HTTP cache provides improved performance including crash recovery
NewIntegration of generational garbage collection
NewPublic key pinning support enabled
NewView historical use information for logins stored in password manager
NewDisplay the number of found items in the find toolbar
NewEasier back, forward, reload, and bookmarking through the context menu
NewLower Sorbian [dsb] locale added
ChangedRemoved and turned off trust bit for some 1024-bit root certificates
ChangedPerformance improvements to Password Manager and Add-on Manager
HTML5drawFocusIfNeeded enabled by default
HTML5ECMAScript 6 built-in method Array#copyWithin implemented
HTML5CSS position:sticky enabled by default
HTML5mix-blend-mode enabled by default
HTML5New Array built-in: Array.from()
HTML5navigator.languages property and languagechange event implemented
HTML5Vibration API updated to latest W3C spec
HTML5CSS box-decoration-break replaces -moz-background-inline-policy
HTML5box-decoration-break enabled by default
DeveloperHiDPI support in Developer Tools UI
DeveloperInspector button moved to the top left
DeveloperHidden nodes displayed differently in the markup-view
DeveloperNew Web Audio Editor
DeveloperCode completion and inline documentation added to Scratchpad
Fixed32.0.1 – Stability issues for computers with multiple graphics cards
Fixed32.0.1 – Mixed content icon may be incorrectly displayed instead of lock icon for SSL sites
Fixed32.0.1 – WebRTC: setRemoteDescription() silently fails if no success callback is specified
FixedVarious security fixes
FixedMac OS X: cmd-L does not open a new window when no window is available
FixedText Rendering Issues on Windows 7 with Platform Update KB2670838 (MSIE 10 Prerequisite) or on Windows 8.1
Known Issues
unresolvedAssistive technologies may cause performance issues on Windows XP
下载Firefox 32.0.2: