Git 2.1.3 发布,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:
* Some MUAs mangled a line in a message that begins with “From ” to “>From ” when writing to a mailbox file and feeding such an input to “git am” used to lose such a line.
* “git daemon” (with NO_IPV6 build configuration) used to incorrectly use the hostname even when gethostbyname() reported that the given hostname is not found.
* Newer versions of ‘meld’ breaks the auto-detection we use to see if they are new enough to support the `–output` option.
* “git pack-objects” forgot to disable the codepath to generate object recheability bitmap when it needs to split the resulting pack.
* “gitweb” used deprecated CGI::startfrom, which was removed from as of 4.04; use CGI::start_from instead.
* “git log” documentation had an example section marked up not quite correctly, which passed AsciiDoc but failed with AsciiDoctor.
* 文档更新