Firefox 135.0 发布
Infinispan 7.0.0.Final 发布啦!!!
此版本经过了几个月的开发,主要关注安全,集群分区处理,JSR-107 JCache 1.0.0 支持,集群监听;远程事件,查询改进和全新的 XML 配置。
- Radim Vansa for his Soft-Index File Store and many more enhancements and fixes
- Takayoshi Kimura for fixes such as ISPN-3752, ISPN-4476 and ISPN-4477
- Jiri Holusa for his tremendous work to improve our test coverage work and fixing issues likeISPN-3442
- Karl von Randow for his documentation fixes, init.d fixes in ISPN-4141 and enhancements to putForExternalRead method as part of ISPN-3792
- Jakub Markos for his work to optimise the Infinispan Server testsuite in ISPN-4317 and many fixes and test suite enhancements
- Michal Linhard fox his ISPN-3750 fix
- Vitalii Chepeliuk for his work on extending test coverage and fixes such as ISPN-3880
- Wolf Dieter-Fink for fixes such as ISPN-3916 and ISPN-3912
- Vojtech Juranek for his continued work to improve Infinispan with fixes such as ISPN-4072and his work to increase the test coverage
- Martin Gencur for the many issues he fixed including ISPN-3771, ISPN-4499 and others…
- Norman Maurer for porting Infinispan Servers to use Netty 4
- Alan Field for fixes such as ISPN-4645 and ISPN-4376
- Tomáš Sýkora for fixes such as ISPN-3136 and ISPN-4076, and improved test coverage
- Paul Ferraro for many fixes including fixes such as ISPN-4375 and ISPN-4374
- Nicolas Filotto for his ISPN-3689 fix
- Rajesh Jangam for his ISPN-3877 and ISPN-3894 fixes
- Brett Meyer for his amazing work to get Infinispan working in OSGI environments as part of ISPN-800 and many related fixes
- Radoslav Husar for his several fixes
- Sebastian Łaskawiec for his work to improve our CDI integration and moving to Jackson for JSON
- Karsten Blees for his LIRS eviction fixes
- Niels Bertramn for his ISPN-4679 fix
- Duncan Doyle for his work on ISPN-4637
- Emmanuel Bernard for his documentation improvements
- Gabriel Francisco for his work to revamp the Mongo DB cache store
- Bilgin Ibryam for his OSGI fixes
- Erik Salter for his work on orphaned transactions and fixes such as ISPN-4872