Firefox 135.0 发布
Ionic 1.3.1 “el salvador” 发布了。Ionic Framework 是个高级的 HTML5 移动端应用框架,是个很漂亮的使用 HTML5 开发混合移动应用前端框架。
Bug 修复
- Status Bar: Moved status tap handler to after platform ready fires. (947d9296)
- Loader: make the loader service return a promise instead of the deprecated object, updated docs (0e94f914, closes #3717)
- Tabs: fixs as issue with tabs without icons (28e99594, closes #6292)
- Navigation: revert previous navigation fix (efb9bd) and added a different fix for the infinite loop issue. Wrote additional tests to verify the test. (e31498c4)
- Life Cycle: Life cycle events fire reliably on correct scope, closed many issues (d6373335)
- Slides: changed the way looped/duplicates slides work, added documentation (44d5a0f8, closes#6305)
- Header:
- Footer: fix a typo in footer bar s using balanced class (99f987fc, closes #6426)
- Pull-to-refresh: Better performance via changing translateY to 3d (c7e61e4d, closes #6360)
- Scss: made variables for button-default-border and button-default-active-bordermade variables (7da8739f, closes #5576)
- Content: documentation update (#62fdd636, closes #5813)
- Scss: changed variable being passed to buttons for styling borders. By default, the variable passed is
instead of$button-primary-border
(for example). The border property was previously ignoring the parameter and was hard-coded to transparent (7da8739f)