Firefox 135.0 发布
IPFire 2.19 Core 106 发布了。
IPFire 是建立在 Linux 源码上的防火墙发行版,并且还带有大量的附加功能。它易于设置和管理。它采用的状态检测防火墙,内容过滤引擎,交通控制质量( QoS ) , VPN技术,和大量的记录。
- Passwords are now saved with a stronger hash (SHA512) which was MD5 before. Please change the root password using the setup tools to store your passwords with the improved hash.
- Firewall: An incorrect validation of destination IP addresses for rules that use Destination NAT caused that some valid addresses were not accepted. This is fixed now.
- PPP connections no longer require a password being set (some providers require these being empty)
- The NTP client now waits correctly for WiFi connections being established before continuing to boot
- The
add-on enables SMBv2 by default - IPFire now ships the firmware for MediaTek 7601 series devices
- Various old software components that are not used any more are cleaned up from the systems
- The iptables page on the web user interface has been improved to be more readable