KNOPPIX 7.6.0 发布,更新如下:
- Kernel (still 4.2.2, thorougly tested) and system software (Debian Jessie) updated,
- New, experimental version of 3D window manager compiz,
- LXDE (Default) with filemanager PCMANFM 1.2.3, KDE 5.4 (boot option
knoppix desktop=kde
, DVD version only), GNOME 3.18 (boot optionknoppix desktop=gnome
, DVD version only), - Wine version 1.7.50 (git) for integration of Windows (TM) based programs,
- qemu-kvm 2.4 for (para-)virtualization.
- ADRIANE Audio-Desktop: mpsyt Youtube (TM)-Client for console, Orca 3.18.2 for compiz,
- electrum 2.5.4 for managing Bitcoin Wallets,
- tiny “boot only” CD image inside the “KNOPPIX” directory for computers that can only boot from CD, but not from DVD or USB flash drive (please use boot option “knoppix” if it’s booting in german instead of english language by default),
- Experimental support for UEFI-Boot and Secure Boot after installation on USB flash disk.
- Versioning: If many Knoppix-installed USB flash disks or harddisks are present, the boot system now finds the kernel-matching KNOPPIX overlay automatically -> avoids errors caused by mismatching Kernel/System/Overlay versions.
- The live installer flash-knoppix now shows a “honest” progress bar by measuring the real space allocation during copy. Also, the syslinux-supplied master boot recoed is used instead of ms-sys.
- audio devices are auto-sorted so that the primary soundcard is no longer by chance a HDMI output -> fixes “no sound output” problem in earlier versions, unless the HDMI monitors speakers were used for primary output, which was most often not the desired behavior.
- KNOPPIX_V7.6.0DVD-2015-11-21-EN.iso (4,170MB, MD5, torrent, pkglist),
- KNOPPIX_V7.6.0DVD-2015-11-21-DE.iso (4,170MB, MD5, torrent).
- KNOPPIX是一套光盘启动的GNU/Linux系统(LiveCD), 功能包括:自动硬件监测、支持常见的显卡、声卡、SCSI和USB设备,以及其它外设。KNOPPIX可用于Linux演示、光盘教学、系统急救,经过适 当改造,还可以用于商业软件的产品演示。KNOPPIX采用了特殊的解压缩技术,不需要硬盘安装,一张CD,就容纳了2GB的可执行程序,供用户自由使 用。
Knoppix 最初由德国工程师Klaus Knopper设计,取名于其姓氏Knopper + Linux,读作“k’nopiks”,重音在 no。
KNOPPIX 基于Debian GNU/Linux,桌面系统主要采用KDE,主要软件还包括GIMP、OpenOffice.org等。不同的团体基于Knoppix的稳定性,都利用Knoppix的distro开发自己的工具碟。例如:CHFI就有一张利用Knoppix Linux改装的信息鉴证启动光盘;而台南亦有中文化的Knoppix Distro,当中还包括文鼎字型和字型编辑器。
Knoppix 的硬件支援极佳,即使是较新的产品,很多时都可以正常运用。
Knoppix 对中日韩环境的支援极差,在系统预建的汉字字库里,错字、缺字连篇,字体比例亦不成比例。