Firefox 135.0 发布
MyBatis 3.4.1 和 TypeHandlers-JSR310 1.0.1 发布了,更新如下:
MyBatis 3.4.1 包括四个用户可见的改进:
- Allow referencing parameters by their declared names when compiled with Java 8 ‘-parameters’ option. #549
- Added auto-detection of Year/MonthTypeHandler added in mybatis-typehandlers-jsr310 1.0.1. #646
- @Select statement can now return an array of objects. #669
- Allow specifying custom ‘reflectorFactory’ in XML config. #657
- Circularly referenced resultMap was filled with ancestor object even when columnPrefix was specified. #215
- Select statement with @Param couldn’t be used as a nested select statement of association. #649
- RuntimeException was thrown when launching application on IBM WebSphere Application Server #706
- Couldn’t use Cursor as the return type of @Select statements. #661
- Couldn’t use RowBounds as a parameter of select statement whose return type is Cursor. #667
- NullPointerException was thrown when used with Kylin JDBC driver. #699
- If a project uses legacy parameter references with index numbers (i.e. #{0}, #{1}, …) and is compiled with ‘-parameters’ option, you may have to set useActualParameterName to false in the config.
MyBatis-TypeHandlers-JSR310 1.0.1 提供了两个类型处理器:
- YearTypeHandler for java.time.Year
- MonthTypeHandler for java.time.Month