NativeScript 1.5.0 发布,此版本更新内容:
- 修改验证器 XSD 模式的 XML 命名空间 (xmlns),从
###Bug 修复
- (#1089) http toString will raise error if response cannot be converted to string
- (#1082) Null reference exception in method
- (#1081) file-system writeTextSync will now unlock the file when it is done writing
- (#1038) WebView with HTML string source does not render on old Android
- (#1028) [iOS] SelectedIndex property of the TabView widget does not work
- (#1021) page.loaded and page.navigatedTo events are fired twice on iOS
- (#1019) search-bar color not applied correctly
- (#1012) TextField/TextView CSS color not applied to cursor
- (#1010) Slider CSS color/background-color support
- (#1007) When application.start() is called twice on iOS, a meaningful error should be thrown
- (#1004) ActivityIndicator CSS color support
- (#1000) Border radius is not working on Android API 17
- (#998) web-view images now will be loaded correctly with base url
- (#993) CSS does not support new lowercase element names
- (#990) Android 6 Webview onReceivedError
- (#986) [iOS] The switch widget does not show up on the page
- (#973) iOS owner pattern changed to use WeakRef in order to prevent memory leaks
- (#966) Observable emits two
events when created with JSON - (#963) Always set base URL in WebView
- (#955) Gestures event arguments for Android fixed
- (#941) global.ios missing (consistency)
- (#940) ListView: Inconsistency retrieving bindingContext in tap handler
- (#936) Subsequent animation of transition and rotation or scale will appear jumpy in iOS
- (#889) vertical-align css inconsistency
- (#820) The x and y components of an Android translate or scale animation are not animated together when delay is specified
- (#801) Chained animations lose state on iOS
- (#789) Error in Page Navigating Events order
- (#781) ios page.showModal platform inconsistancies & bugs
- (#715) Frame crashes on app restore occasionally
- (#642) Ability to style other native widgets
- (#1001) Embed utility fonts: Awesome, Icons, etc
- (#1102) Ability to specify an animation easing, i.e. curve in a platform-independent manner
- (#1086) This will now allow the dialog to call the resolve function when cancelled by clicking outside
- (#1057) Expose scroll event on ScrollView
- (#1048) Event for start/end of an event
- (#1041) Support binding for
property of views - (#1034) Support CSS white-space: nowrap and normal
- (#1020) DatePicker and TimePicker stylers added
- (#1014) Button wrapText property
- (#977) Smarter LiveSync
- (#954) added simple showModal() overload
- (#926) Context as to whether a navigation was back or not
- (#922) Feature request: Add loading wheel to Dialogs module
- (#875) CSS feature request:
- (#856) Android 6 support
- (#849) Implement dismissSoftInput() for search-bar
- (#841) Distribute TypeScript definitions
- (#767) Change Android navigation and tabs title color
- (#727) Provide a way to get a reference to the currently showing modal page instance
- (#693) ListView – the position of the item after scroll down is not correct
- (#597) Some Complex Properties are Inconsistent with rest of API – Discussion
- (#551) Ship a verified image picker plugin
- (#364) Ability to use built-in system icons on ActionBarItems
- nativescript-1.5.0.tgz
- tns-android-1.5.0.tgz
- tns-core-modules-1.5.0.tgz
- tns-core-modules-xsd-schema-1.5.0.tgz
- tns-template-hello-world-1.5.0.tgz
NativeScript 可以使用 Javascript,CSS, XML 创建真正的 Native 跨平台应用,支持 iOS Android,NativeScript 将您的跨平台代码翻译成目标平台的代码。
UI 使用 XML 描述,CSS 样式,在编译时将 UI 转化成本地原生代码,最终得到正在的 Native 原生应用。
Telerik 公开了用于创建安卓、iOS和Windows Universal跨平台原生应用的框架,NativeScript 的公共访问权限。
NativeScript既不是一种新型的JavaScript语言,也不是原生功能的封装器,它包括一个JavaScript运行时环境和一种将 JavaScript调用转化为原生调用的机制。用JavaScript(或TypeScript,CoffeeScript等)语言编写应用,之后在安 卓平台用V8,在iOS和Windows Phone上用WebKit JavaScriptCore解释应用。然后,NativeScript运行时环境找到原生的目标API,将JS数据类型转化为相应的原生类型,然后调用原生API,并将得到的结果值返回,具体流程如下图所示:、
举例来说,在安卓平台上创建文件对象var file = new;的步骤如下:
- 用V8解释代码
- 根据原数据确定相应的原生方法调用。原数据是在各个平台上预先构建的提供类型和方法签名的全部可用API集合。
- 类型转换模块将JavaScript的String类型转换为一个java.lang.String对象
- 运行时环境为创建一个代理对象
- 通过该代理将对原有JS File对象的调用委托给相应的Java实例
NativeScript可以将其所支持平台上的任意原生API作为目标,包括传感器接口API和用Objective C,Java或.NET编写的第三方库。UI组件是原生的,UI事件由在JavaScript代码中声明的原生处理程序处理,如View.OnClickListener,UIControl.addTarget。
为了避免开发者需要对三个支持的平台有深入的理解,该框架包含了一个抽象与原生代码连接的NativeScript模块层(NativeScript Modules Layer,NML), 可以自动将JavaScript调用转化为原生调用。NML包含如下模 块:Application,Camera,Color,Console,Data,File System,HTTP,Imaging,Local Settings,Location,Timer,UI。开发者并未受限于只能使用NML,也可以访问任意原生API。
- 当前支持平台:iOS7+,安卓4.2+。预计将在4月实现Windows Phone的支持。对安卓早期版本的支持也将很快到来。
- iOS平台的编译可以在远程完成,无需Mac电脑或iOS工具
- 开发工作可以在任意IDE中完成。
- 支持任意跨浏览器的JavaScript库。
- 支持CSS。
- 支持MVVM。
- 即时支持新的原生平台。