Firefox 135.0 发布
NativeScript 8 月 10 日更新,更新内容如下:
- (#2427) Refactor application of text decoration, text transform, letter spacing and formatted text
- (#2414) CSS background-image on Label not loading in iOS
- (#2413) Multiple HTTP response headers not returned correctly on Android
- (#2391) App crash when editing text and text-view is removed
- (#2362) Multiple ScrollViews on one page fires scrollEvent simultaneously
- (#2173) iOS onSuspend + showModal() returning “Error: This value is not a native object”
- (#2121) The navigation bar duplicates when going to TabView’s “More” tab
- (#2528) Letter spacing in EM units
- (#2457) Feature Request – Nested Bindable Observables
- (#1278) TabView button icons (iOS)
- (#734) Add API to retrieve the following standard user directories under iOS
- (#731) NavigationEntry.bindingContext property