Firefox 135.0 发布
Netty 今天同时发布两个更新版本,分别是:
Netty 4.0.35.Final :
- Add support for TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT and TCP_QUICKACK (#4951)
- WebSocketHandshaker.finishHandshake could result in recursive channelRead event (#4533) (#4815)
- Enabling SNI, OpenSSL client from netty does not work (#4746) (#4791)
- Certificate failing set in OpenSslServerContext on Linux (#4793)
- Enable SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER when using OpenSslContext (#4816)
- OpenSslContext throws UnsupportedOperationException when Unsafe not available (#4828) (#4843)
- Correctly pass ChannelPromise on to the next ChannelOutboundHandler when use CombinedChannelDuplexHandler (#4838)
- Fix segfault if UnpooledUnsafeHeapByteBuf.getShort(..) is used and UNALGINED access is not possible. (#4845) (#4841)
- Ensure handlerAdded(…) and handlerRemoved(…) is always called from the right thread (#4863)
- Ensure read components can be discarded when COMPOSITE_CUMULATOR is used (#4880)
- Correctly set the alert type depending of the CertificateException (#4885)
- NetUtil can prevent using Netty due to SecurityManager denial (#4936) (#4977)
- Guard against re-entrance in PendingWriteQueue (#4969)
- Change arena to thread cache mapping algorithm to be closer to ideal (#4983)
- Ensure all pending SSL data is written before closing channel during handshake error (#5003)
- Add ! to allowed cookie value chars (#4998)
另外一个版本是 Netty 4.1.0 CR4,改进内容如下:
- DnsNameResolver: makes possible to define additional records in DNS query (#4871)
- DnsNameResolverContext infinite loop (#4771)
- HTTP/2 stream removed from map before onStreamClosed called (#4888)
- Add support for directly decoding/encoding DNS PTR Records (#4912)
- EPOLL ET AutoRead (#4919)
- HTTP/2 DefaultHttp2Connection NPE (#4933)
- Netty 4.1.0.CR1: DNS resolver accepts invalid FQDN with label length > 63 octet (#4935)
- Netty 4.1.0.CR1: DNS resolver do not treat non-ASCII characters correctly (#4937)
- Fix potential infinite loop when resolving CNAME records (#4946)
- HTTP/2 DefaultHttp2ConnectionEncoder data frame size incorrect if error (#4965)