PhpStorm 2016.1 RC1 (EAP 145.256) 发布了,PhpStorm 是 JetBrains 公司开发的一个轻量级且便捷的PHP IDE,其旨在提供用户效率,可深刻理解用户的编码,提供智能代码补全,快速导航以及即时错误检查。
PHP Completion | Bug | WI-30936 | There is no completion for aliased trait inside trait use block |
Bug | WI-30924 | Autoimport doesn’t work for completion of trait inside trait use block | |
Bug | WI-30991 | Smart enter: one more step is needed to get into parens | |
Usability | WI-30935 | In function import statement after namespace prefix only functions from the namespace should be shown. | |
Usability | WI-30877 | Code completion does not work for protected/private methods/properties in the traits | |
PHP debug | Bug | WI-30972 | Validation: fail to validate web server with disabled “Remote Host Access” plugin |
PHP lang | Usability | WI-3232 | PHP: define(), isset() and other “language construct” “function definitions” seems to be not provided for navigation and quick doc |
Exception | WI-30726 | com.jetbrains.php.codeInsight.controlFlow.ControlFlowException: on very large method (2000+ lines of code) | |
Plugin: Deployment _ FTP.. | Bug | WI-30881 | Key passphrase is used as a password in case key file is invalid or passphrase doesn’t match it |
Exception | WI-30645 | Remote Host Access: null pointer exception with copy and paste | |
IDE Configuration | Bug | IDEA-152061 | Ability to set default project location |
Task | IDEA-149458 | Support for parallel update campaigns in a single channel | |
Task Management | Bug | IDEA-136499 | “Open Task” command and GitLab issues: uses internal (DB global) issue id instead of issue number (project local) |
Version Control. Log | Usability | IDEA-152442 | “Go To Hash/Branch/Tag” button is missing |
Version Control. Mercurial | Performance | IDEA-152392 | Freezes when hg has many roots (JDK project) |
Version Control. Subversion | Bug | IDEA-146178 | Subversion fails during check of file by invalid path |
Build tools | Bug | WEB-18581 | npm scripts: Debug should be available only for script with node process |
HTML | Bug | WEB-10645 | Wrong case in HTML autocomplete |
Bug | WEB-20527 | Error: Cannot resolve file | |
JavaScript | Bug | WEB-20494 | JSDoc @see symbol autocompletion not working inside constructor function |
Bug | WEB-20426 | export default function gives “Unused function” and “Unresolved variables” | |
JavaScript. Inspections | Bug | WEB-20443 | JSHint: support new options inside .jshintrc file and JSHint UI |
Bug | WEB-20117 | Redundant local variable inspection for JavaScript incorrectly identifies variable that is required. | |
Bug | WEB-20138 | ES6: reassign const variable | |
Bug | WEB-20559 | es6: destructuring assignment in for of loop result in restructured variables incorrectly being marked as ‘might not be initialized’ | |
Bug | WEB-20534 | Duplicate declaration when using computed property names with function values | |
Node.js | Exception | WEB-20643 | Remote interpreter: NullPointerException on applying empty Vagrant configuration |
TypeScript | Bug | WEB-18835 | TypeScript: Autoformatting does not put spaces after colon before type in interfaces |
Bug | WEB-18352 | Typescript: module resolution logic wrong. Analyzer ignores `typings` entry in sud-modules `package.json` when targeting commonjs | |
Bug | WEB-20625 | Convert to template string intention should work in TypeScript | |
Performance | WEB-19847 | WebStorm crashes caused by large TypeScript project when unresolved types introduced | |
Docker | Feature | PY-18623 | Support –add-host flag for run configurations based on Docker remote interpreters |
Bug | PY-18632 | Env variables in Docker container settings for Python run configuration are ignored | |
Usability | PY-18637 | Fix usability problems in Docker container settings editor |