Firefox 135.0 发布
PMD 5.4.3 和 5.3.8 发布了,PMD 是一款采用 BSD 协议发布的 Java 程序代码检查工具。该工具可以做到检查 Java 代码中是否含有未使用的变量、是否含有空的抓取块、是否含有不必要的对象等。该软件功能强大,扫描效率高,是 Java 程序员 debug 的好帮手。
PMD 5.3.8 更新内容如下:
- 1 feature requests
- 6 pull requests
- 17 bug fixes
Feature Requests and Improvements:
- #1360: [core] [java] Provide backwards compatibility for PMD configuration file
Pull Requests:
- #35: [javascript] Javascript tokenizer now ignores comment tokens.
- #103: [java] Fix for 1501: CyclomaticComplexity rule causes OOM when class reporting is disabled
- #111: [java] Fix BooleanInstantiationRule for Java 8
- #112: [java] Fix ClassCastException on CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable
- #113: [java] Fix ClassCastException on SignatureDeclareThrowsException
- #119: [plsql] Fix PMD issue 1531- endless loop followed by OOM while parsing (PL)SQL
- java
- #1501: [java] [apex] CyclomaticComplexity rule causes OOM when class reporting is disabled
- java-basic/BooleanInstantiation
- #1533: [java] BooleanInstantiation: ClassCastException with Annotation
- java-comments
- #1522: [java] CommentRequired: false positive
- java-design/CloseResource
- #1479: [java] CloseResource: false positive on Statement
- java-imports/UnusedImports
- #1529: [java] UnusedImports: The created rule violation has no class name
- java-typeresolution/CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable
- java-typeresolution/SignatureDeclareThrowsException
- #1535: [java] SignatureDeclareThrowsException: ClassCastException with Annotation
- java-unusedcode/UnusedLocalVariable
- #1484: [java] UnusedLocalVariable: false positive – parenthesis
- java-unusedcode/UnusedModifier
- #1480: [java] UnusedModifier: false positive on public modifier used with inner interface in enum
- plsql
- General
API Changes:
- New command line parameter for PMD:
– this disables the ruleset factory compatibility filter and fails, if e.g. an old rule name is used in the ruleset. See also #1360. This option is also available for the ant task:<noRuleSetCompatibility>true</noRuleSetCompatibility>
. - CPD: If no problems found, an empty report will be output instead of nothing. See also #1481
- 45.4
- 2.69
- Source code (zip)
- Source code (tar.gz)
PMD 5.4.3 更新内容如下:
- 7 pull requests
- 16 bug fixes
Pull Requests:
- #35: [javascript] Javascript tokenizer now ignores comment tokens.
- #103: [java] Fix for 1501: CyclomaticComplexity rule causes OOM when class reporting is disabled
- #110: [java] Fix parser error (issue 1530)
- #111: [java] Fix BooleanInstantiationRule for Java 8
- #112: [java] Fix ClassCastException on CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable
- #113: [java] Fix ClassCastException on SignatureDeclareThrowsException
- #119: [plsql] Fix PMD issue 1531- endless loop followed by OOM while parsing (PL)SQL
- Java
- java-basic/BooleanInstantiation
- #1533: [java] BooleanInstantiation: ClassCastException with Annotation
- java-comments
- #1522: [java] CommentRequired: false positive
- java-design/SingularField
- #1494: [java] SingularField: lombok.Data false positive
- java-imports/UnusedImports
- #1529: [java] UnusedImports: The created rule violation has no class name
- java-typeresolution/CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable
- java-typeresolution/SignatureDeclareThrowsException
- #1535: [java] SignatureDeclareThrowsException: ClassCastException with Annotation
- General
- 52.2
- 2.67
- Source code (zip)
- Source code (tar.gz)