PolarSSL 1.2.15/mbed TLS 1.3.12 发布,这两个版本是维护版本,主要是一些 bug 修复和安全修复。客户端访问 Diffie-Hellman 参数提升到 1024 bits。
服务器 Diffie-Hellman 参数升级到 2048 bits。
- Add SSL_MIN_DHM_BYTES configuration parameter in config.h to choose the minimum size of Diffie-Hellman parameters accepted by the client.
- The PEM parser now accepts a trailing space at end of lines.
Bug 修复
- Fix thread-safety issue in SSL debug module (found by Edwin van Vliet).
- Some example programs were not built using make, not included in Visual Studio projects (found by Kristian Bendiksen).
- Fix build error with CMake and pre-4.5 versions of GCC (found by Hugo Leisink).
- Fix missing
when building shared libraries for Windows with make.
- Fix compile error with armcc5 –gnu.
PolarSSL 源码,也许是最小巧的ssl代码库。高效、便于移植和集成。尤其适合嵌入式应用。
目前 PolarSSL 已经被 ARM 公司收购,并改名为 mbed TLS。许可证也由 GPL 改为 Apache。
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