PostgreDAC 是适合 Delphi/C++ Builder 操作 postgresql”>PostgreSQL 数据库的功能非常强大的组件包,允许你创建直连 PostgreSQL 数据库的 Delphi/C++ Builder 应用,无需 BDE 和 ODBC 支持。
PostgreDAC 3.0 发布,此版本主要改进如下:
新增转储和恢复功能:TPSQLDump 和 TPSQLRestore 组件,完全兼容 native pg_dump 和 pg_restore 功能,开箱支持
- output formats (binary, text, directory, gzipped),
- parallel dumping and restoring,
- comprehensive selection, filtering and reordering of archived items,
- SQL-92 specific output options, etc.
异步 Fetch-On-Demand 模式:
- TPSQLQuery.Open waits for the command to be completed. The application might have other work to do (such as maintaining a user interface), in which case it won’t be a good decision to block while waiting for a response.
- Since the execution of the client application is suspended while it waits for the result, it is hard for the application to decide that it would like to try to cancel the ongoing command.
- TPSQLQuery in default mode always collects a command’s entire result, buffering it in a single place. While this behavior simplifies some internal logic, it can be impractical for results containing many rows.
- TPSQLRangeField
- TPSQLPointField
- TPSQLCircleField
- TPSQLBoxField
- TPSQLLSegField
- chm,
- pdf.
- epub (in progress).
- [!] Fetch-On-Demand mode introduced for readonly TPSQLQuery objects
- [!] Support for geometric types added
- [!] TPSQLRangeField added
- [!] Support for pre-8.0 PostgreSQL servers is discontinued
- [!] v9.4.0 client libraries added
- [!] v9.4.0 dump & restore libraries (pg_dump.dll, pg_restore.dll) added
- [*] Components TPSQLUser and TBDE2PSQLDAC marked as deprecated and will be removed shortly
- [*] EPSQLDatabaseError is raised if TPSQLDatabase is used in non-exclusive mode for TPSQLQuery with dsoFetchOnDemand
- [*] TPSQLDatabase.CancelBackend checks for connection now to prevent AV
- [-] “AV may occur if SQL parameter name consists from incorrect characters chain” bug fixed
- [-] “EPSQLDatabaseError detail error properties are empty after error in TPSQLDirectQuery.Open” bug fixed