Firefox 135.0 发布
PostgreSQL 开发组发布了对数据库系统的所有支持版本的更新,包括 9.6.2、9.5.6、9.4.11、9.3.16 和 9.2.20。 此版本包括防止索引构建和某些预写日志重播情况下的数据损坏问题的修复程序,以及超过75个在过去三个月提交的 bug 修复。
bug 修复:
- Several fixes for operating in hot standby mode
- Disallow setting the num_sync field to zero in synchronous_standby_names
- Don’t count background worker processes against a user’s connection limit
- Fix check for when an extension member object can be dropped
- Fix tracking of initial privileges for extension member objects so that it works correctly with ALTER EXTENSION … ADD/DROP
- Several vacuum and autovacuum fixes
- Fix CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW to update the view query before attempting to apply the new view options
- Make sure ALTER TABLE preserves index tablespace assignments when rebuilding indexes
- Several fixes to the query planner, including fixes for foreign tables and CTEs
- Several fixes around the full-text search feature to improve accuracy and performance of the search
- Several fixes and performance improvements in several array functions
- Several fixes around the interaction of foreign-key constraints with trigger functions around specific ALTER TABLE operations
- Remove optimizations for date/time data types that returned incorrect data
- Fix incorrect use of view reloptions as regular table reloptions
- Fix incorrect “target lists can have at most N entries” complaint when using ON CONFLICT with wide tables
- Fix spurious “query provides a value for a dropped column” errors during INSERT or UPDATE on a table with a dropped column
- Prevent multicolumn expansion of foo.* in an UPDATE source expression
- Ensure that column typmods are determined accurately for multi-row VALUES constructs
- Several fixes for the psql command-line tool
- Prevent multiple calls of pg_start_backup() and pg_stop_backup() from running concurrently
- Several fixes for pg_dump, pg_restore, and pg_basebackup, including a possible pg_basebackup failure on standby server when including WAL files
- Several fixes for parallel workers and plans for parallel queries including fixing a crash if the number of workers available to a parallel query decreases during a rescan
- Several fixes to PL/pgSQL, PL/Python, and PL/Tcl
- Several fixes for contrib modules
- Allow DOS-style line endings in ~/.pgpass files, even on Unix
- 详细内容和下载地址请查看发行日志