Product Description
Divi v3.0.4 官方版本更新日志如下: version 3.0.4 ( updated 09-12-2016 ) - Fixed issue with animated images not appearing outside the Visual Builder. * includes/builder/scripts/front-end-builder-scripts.js version 3.0.3 ( updated 09-12-2016 ) - Fixed issue with the Fullwidth Code Module that caused the Visual Builder to fail to save. - Fixed an issue with the Portfolio Module that caused the Visual Builder to fail to save for some users. - Private pages saved via the Visual Builder will now be saved correctly as private. - Fixed various rendering issues with the Audio module when viewed inside the Visual Builder. - Disabled modules will now show their current visibility-state while using the responsive preview toggles. - Fixed typo in the Row width unit switcher in the Visual Builder. * includes/builder/front-end-builder/app/bundle.js * includes/builder/front-end-builder/app/style. * includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
准确的来说Divi 3.0.4版本还是小细节修正,可视化编辑器中动态图片溢出的问题。Divi 3.0.3 修正的bug还是比较多的。所以此版本,