Product Description
The7.2 v2.1.1官方版本更新日志如下:
v.2.1.1 (Apr 25, 2015):
1. Fixed potential security issue in TGM class. 2. Solved minor compatibility issue with WooCommerce 2.3.8. 3. Visual Composer updated for WordPress 4.2 compatibility. 4. Slider Revolution updated to newest version + solved minor compatibility issues. 5. New theme translation file added: German + theme will warp long words if needed6. Solved: gallery archive by author returns NOT FOUND issue. 7. Solved: if anchors are in submenu, floating menu does not show up. 8. Solved: minor compatibility issues with WPML. 9. Misc minor fixes and appearance improvements.
The7.2 v2.1.1版本更新详细说明如下:
1.在TGM类1.修正了潜在的安全问题。 2.解决了与WooCommerce2.3.8轻微的兼容性问题。 3.可视化编辑器更新为WordPress4.2的兼容性。 4.滑块革命更新到最新版本+解决轻微的兼容性问题。 5.新主题翻译文件补充说:如果需要,德国+主题将扭曲长的话;) 6.解决:像册档案按作者返回NOT FOUND问题。 7.解决:如果锚在子菜单,浮动菜单显示不出来。 8.解决:轻微的兼容性问题WPML。 9.其它轻微的修复和改善外观。
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