Product Description
WP Rocket v2.10.10官方版本更新日志如下:
2.10.10 October 23, 2017(更新日期2017年10月23日)
- Fix: Google fonts concatenation could cause display issues in some cases
- Fix: White label was applied when it shouldn’t. Note: If you’ve started using WP Rocket with 2.9.10, you now see content on the settings page and toolbar menu you had not seen before. Please consider this as “back to normal” rather than “new”. We apologise for any confusion caused.
- Fix: Settings import was not working in some cases
关于WP Rocket配置,请参考: 最快的wordpress优化插件WP Rocket配置教程 ,当然关于使用nginx的老板们,请下载最新的wp rocket nginx优化配置文件2017最新wp rocket nginx v2.1配置教程 。
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